ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Distribution frame

Okay kiddo, you know how when you have a lot of toys, you need to have a place to put them so you can find them easily? Well, when people have a lot of wires that connect different parts of a building, they also need to have a special place to put them so they can keep track of where they go. That special place is called a distribution frame.

A distribution frame is basically a big board or panel where lots of wires can be connected and organized neatly. It helps people who work with those wires to easily see where each wire goes and what it connects to. Think of it like a giant puzzle, where each wire has its own special spot to fit into.

The wires that connect different parts of a building are called cables. A cable usually has lots of little wires inside of it that need to be connected to other cables or devices. A distribution frame lets people connect all of those little wires to the right places without getting them mixed up.

Overall, a distribution frame is like a big organizer for all of the wires in a building. It helps keep things neat and organized, which makes it easier for people to do their jobs and keep everything running smoothly.