ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Distribution of lightning

Alright kiddo, let's talk about lightning! You know how sometimes during a storm you see a bright flash in the sky, like a big camera taking a picture? That's called lightning.

Now, lightning doesn't just happen in one place. It happens all over the world! But there are some places that get more lightning than others. Do you know why that might be?

Well, lightning needs two things to happen: electricity (which is like magic power that can make things happen) and something for the electricity to travel through. In a storm, there are clouds that have electricity inside them. When the electricity gets too strong, it needs to escape from the cloud. It travels through the air until it finds something to go through, like another cloud or the ground.

Some places on Earth have more electricity in the clouds, which means more lightning. And some places have more things for the electricity to go through, like tall buildings and trees.

In general, places that are warm and humid (meaning there's a lot of moisture in the air) tend to have more lightning. That's because the warm air rises and collides with cooler air higher up, which creates those big thunderstorm clouds.

So, places like Florida, parts of Africa, and South America tend to have lots of lightning. But that doesn't mean that lightning won't happen in other places too! It's important to stay safe during a thunderstorm wherever you are.