ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Distributional–relational database

Imagine you have a room with a lot of toys in it. You have many different types of toys such as dolls, cars, and stuffed animals. You want to keep track of all your toys, so you use a notebook to write down what kind of toy you have and where it is located.

Now let's say you have a friend who also has a room full of toys, and you want to know what toys they have. You can ask them, but instead of telling you one by one, they can make a copy of their notebook and give it to you. They might only give you the pages that have information about cars, but they can give you all the information they have in that category.

This is similar to a distributional database, where data is spread out or distributed among different computers. Each computer has its own copy of some information or data, but they can share it with other computers that need it. Similar to how your friend can give you a copy of their notebook with their toy information.

Now imagine you have another notebook where you keep track of which toys belong to which child. This notebook helps you know who each toy belongs to or who you can share toys with. This is like a relational database, where data is organized into tables and linked together based on relationships.

A distributional-relational database combines both of these concepts. Data is stored on different computers or servers, and it is organized into tables linked together based on relationships. It's like having many notebooks, each with different pieces of information that can be shared and combined with other notebooks to get a big picture of all the information available.