ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Divorce party

Alright kiddo, let me explain what a divorce party is. You know how sometimes when two grownups get married and they promise to love each other forever? Well, sometimes things happen and they realize that they don't want to be together anymore. That's when they get something called a divorce.

Now, a divorce party is a celebration to mark the end of a marriage. It's like a birthday party or a party after winning a game. Some people have a divorce party to help them feel better about their decision to end their marriage. It's a way to celebrate moving on and starting a new chapter in their lives.

During a divorce party, the grownups might have cake, balloons, and other fun treats. They might also have friends and family come over to celebrate with them. Some people might even do something special to symbolize the end of their marriage, like a destroying a piñata that looks like their ex or burning pictures or letters from their past relationship.

Divorce parties are not for everyone, but for those who choose to have one, it can be a way to help them feel better about their decision to move on.