ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dixit (card game)

Dixit is a card game where you use your imagination to give clues about pictures on the cards. Every player gets some cards with pretty pictures on them. One person takes a turn being the clue giver, and they pick a card from their hand and give a clue about it. The clue can be a word, a sound, a quote, or anything that will help the other players guess which card the clue giver is talking about.

For example, if the card has a picture of a rabbit on it, the clue giver might say "fluffy animal that hops around." The other players then look at their own cards and try to guess which one matches the clue. They secretly put their guess card face down on the table.

Once everyone has guessed, all the cards are revealed. If everyone guessed the right card, the clue giver doesn't get any points, but if only some people guessed correctly, then they all get points and the clue giver gets even more points. If nobody guessed the right card, then everyone gets a point except for the clue giver.

The game is simple, but it requires a lot of creativity and imagination. It’s a fun way to exercise your brain while also having fun with friends and family.
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