ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A doctorate is a really fancy and special degree that you can get after you finish all of your college studies. It's like getting a trophy for being really smart and working really hard in school.

When you get a doctorate, people will call you "Doctor" instead of "Mister" or "Miss" because you are now an expert in a certain topic. It's kind of like being a superhero with a special power that can help people understand really complicated things.

To get a doctorate, you have to do a lot of reading, researching, and writing. It can take a really long time, like a few years or even longer, but once you're finished you will be one of the smartest people in the world at that one topic.

People who get doctorates are usually professors or experts in their field, and they may even teach classes or write books about what they know. So if you want to be a doctorate, you have to be really patient, really smart, and really dedicated to your studies.