ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Document Structure Description

When you want to write something down, like a story or a report, you have to decide how you want to organize it. This is called the document structure. Imagine building a tall tower with blocks. You have to decide how many blocks to use and which colors to use in each layer. That's kind of what document structure is like.

For example, if you were writing a story, you might decide to have a beginning, a middle, and an end. These are like the layers of your tower. In the beginning, you would introduce your characters and set the scene. In the middle, you would describe what happens next in the story. And in the end, you would wrap up the story and give it a conclusion.

This is an example of a simple document structure, but there are many other ways to organize your writing depending on what you are trying to say. It's like using different patterns when you build with blocks, like making a zig-zag or a spiral instead of just stacking them straight up.

When you write something using a particular document structure, it makes it easier for people to read and understand what you're trying to say. Just like building a tower with blocks that are all over the place would be confusing, writing without a clear document structure can make it hard for people to follow your ideas.