ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, so imagine you are at the beach and you want to build a big sandcastle. You start piling up sand into a big shape, but then you notice that the waves keep washing it away. That's a big problem because you want your sandcastle to stay up and be safe.

So, to fix this problem, people came up with something called dolos. Dolos are these big, blocky shapes that are made out of concrete. They are shaped kind of like a big, pointy starfish.

When you put dolos in the water near your sandcastle, they help protect it from the waves. The waves hit the dolos instead of your sandcastle, and they break up the waves and spread them out so they're not so strong anymore.

It's kind of like having a group of bodyguards for your sandcastle. The waves have to get through the dolos before they can hurt your sandcastle.

So, in short, dolos are big shapes made out of concrete that help protect things from waves at the beach. They're like bodyguards for your sandcastle!
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