ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Don Giovanni

Okay, so Don Giovanni is this man who goes around being, well, pretty bad. He lies and steals and is really, really selfish. He even goes around trying to seduce women who don't want to be with him!

It's kind of like in a video game where the main character is really mean and does bad things all the time, and you kind of want to stop them but you also want to see what happens next.

But in Don Giovanni, eventually all the people he's wronged come together and decide to put a stop to his bad behavior. They confront him and try to make him see how hurtful and awful he's been.

In the end, even though Don Giovanni tries to escape and run away, he realizes that he's done something really wrong and he has to face the consequences.

The story of Don Giovanni is actually an opera, which means that it's a whole big performance with singing and acting and music. So when people talk about Don Giovanni, they might be talking about the story or they might be talking about the actual opera production that they saw.

Overall, Don Giovanni is a cautionary tale about how treating people badly and ignoring their feelings can lead to really negative consequences, but it's also a really interesting story full of drama and twists and turns.