ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Donald Vance

Okay kiddo, so let's talk about Donald Vance. He's a man who worked for a company in Iraq a long time ago. One day, he found out that the company he was working for was doing some really bad things, like breaking the law and hurting people.

Donald knew that he needed to do something about it, so he decided to tell some important people in the government what was going on. He thought they would be able to help fix things and make sure the company wasn't doing bad stuff anymore.

But instead, something really scary happened. The government didn't help Donald at all. In fact, they got mad at him for telling them about what was going on. They even put him in jail for a little while!

Luckily, eventually some other people found out about what the government was doing to Donald, and they were able to help him get out of jail and get back to his family. It wasn't easy, but in the end, Donald was able to stand up for what was right and make sure the company stopped doing bad things.