ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dongbei folk religion

Dongbei is a region in the northeastern part of China. In this region, people have a special way of worshiping and practicing their religion, which is called Dongbei folk religion.

So, imagine you have a group of people who live in Dongbei. They believe in many different gods and spirits. They think that these gods and spirits have special powers, and they can help them with different things in their lives.

One of the important beliefs in Dongbei folk religion is the idea of ancestor worship. This means that people believe their ancestors, who are their family members who have passed away, still exist in a different form. And they think that these ancestors can watch over them and protect them from bad things.

To show respect and honor to their ancestors, people in Dongbei have special ceremonies and rituals. They have altars or special places in their homes where they put pictures or tablets with the names of their ancestors. They offer food, drinks, and other things that their ancestors liked when they were alive.

Another interesting belief in Dongbei folk religion is the belief in nature spirits. People believe that different natural places, like mountains, rivers, and trees, have powerful spirits living in them. And they think that these spirits can bring them good luck or protect them from harm.

To show their respect to these nature spirits, people in Dongbei often visit these places and leave offerings, like fruits, flowers, or incense. They might also hold special ceremonies and perform rituals to ask for blessings or protection from these spirits.

In addition to ancestor worship and nature spirits, there are also gods that people in Dongbei believe in. They think that these gods have control over different aspects of life, like the weather, fertility, or wealth.

So, if someone in Dongbei wants good weather for their crops, they might pray and make offerings to the god who is in charge of the weather. Or if someone wants to have a healthy baby, they might pray and ask for help from the god who is associated with fertility.

Overall, Dongbei folk religion is a way for people in the Dongbei region of China to connect with their ancestors, nature, and various gods. They believe that by practicing their religion and showing respect to these entities, they can receive blessings, protection, and help in different areas of their lives.