ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Dormancy is when a living thing, like a plant or animal, takes a little nap to help them survive in tough times. It’s like when you take a nap when you feel tired so you can be more awake later.

For plants, dormancy is like taking a long nap during the winter because it's too cold outside for them to grow. Some plants also need this “sleep” to help them spread their seeds when it's time to grow again. During dormancy, the plant stops growing, loses its leaves, and seems dead, but it’s really just taking a break.

For animals, dormancy is like hibernation, when they take a long nap during the winter. Just like plants, they need this sleep because it’s too cold outside, and there may not be enough food to eat. During dormancy, animals like bears or chipmunks go into their cozy dens and sleep, slowing down their body processes to conserve energy until it’s warm enough to come out again. It’s like they’re taking a really long nap!

So, dormancy is when plants and animals take a rest to help them survive when things are tough outside. It's like hitting the pause button on life until things get better.
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