ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dow Jones Indexes

The Dow Jones Indexes is a tool that helps people keep track of how well companies in the stock market are doing.

Think of the stock market like a big store where companies sell little pieces of their ownership in the form of stocks. The Dow Jones Indexes is like a special chart that shows how much each company's stock is worth.

To make it easy to understand, let's pretend the Dow Jones Indexes is a scoreboard at a baseball game. Each team represents a company and their score represents how much their stock is worth. If the score (or value of the stock) goes up, it means the company is doing well, like hitting a home run. But if the score goes down, it means the company is struggling, like striking out.

So when people talk about the Dow Jones Indexes, they are really talking about how well these companies are doing and how much their stocks are worth. It's like keeping track of the score at a baseball game, but instead of cheering for a team, people are watching their money grow or shrink.