ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Downing Street Chief of Staff

The Downing Street Chief of Staff is a very important person who helps the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom do their job. Just like how you might have a helper to make sure your toys are put away and your clothes are clean, the Prime Minister has a helper to make sure things are running smoothly in the government.

The job of the Downing Street Chief of Staff is to make sure that the Prime Minister knows about important things that are happening in the government and around the world. They also help the Prime Minister make decisions, and make sure that those decisions are carried out properly.

Imagine you are playing a big game with lots of other kids. The Downing Street Chief of Staff is like the person who keeps score and makes sure everyone is following the rules. They also help the team captain (the Prime Minister) make decisions that will help the team win the game (run the government well).