ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Doyle spiral

Okay, so you know how sometimes when you draw a circle, you might start in the middle and draw one big swirl line all the way to the edge of the circle? Well, a doyle spiral is like a giant version of that!

Imagine you have a really big sheet of paper or canvas, and you want to fill it up with a bunch of swirl lines. But instead of just doing random swirls, you start in the middle and draw one big spiral line that gets bigger and bigger as you move towards the edge of the paper. Then, you start a new spiral line right next to the first one, and keep going until you've filled up the whole paper with these big, beautiful swirls.

The cool thing about a doyle spiral is that it looks kind of like a seashell or a snail shell, because the lines all curve in a similar way. It's also a really fun and relaxing thing to draw, because you just keep going in circles and watching the spiral get bigger and bigger until it fills up the whole space!

So that's what a doyle spiral is: a big, beautiful drawing of swirl lines that starts in the middle and spirals outwards. Give it a try and see if you like drawing them!