ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Draft horse showing

Okay kiddo, have you ever seen a really big horse? The kind that is so big you could almost walk under it? Those are called draft horses, and they are super strong and good at pulling heavy things, like wagons or plows.

Now, draft horse showing is when people bring their big, strong horses to a competition to show off how well they can pull things. It's like a big horse competition! There are different kinds of events that the horses can compete in, like pulling a heavy sled, or carrying a big weight.

People who own draft horses spend a lot of time training and grooming them to make sure they are healthy and strong for the competition. They also like to decorate the horses with pretty ribbons and bells, to make them look extra special.

At the competition, the horses pull their heavy loads while everyone watches and cheers. The judges then decide which horses did the best job and give them prizes and ribbons. It's a lot of fun to watch, and it's amazing to see how strong and powerful these horses can be!
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