ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Drag (physics)

Drag is like when you try to run really fast but the wind is blowing so hard that it makes it harder for you to move. It's when the air gets in the way and slows things down. For example, when you ride your bike, your body creates drag from the air.

If you put your hand out of the car window while you are driving, you can feel the drag trying to push your hand back. The faster you go, the stronger the drag becomes.

When things move through the air, they create turbulence and drag which makes them slow down. This also happens in water if you try to swim really fast or if a boat moves through it.

Scientists study drag to make cars, airplanes, and other things move faster and more efficiently. They design shapes that can help things move through the air or water without creating too much drag.

So, in short, drag is the force that makes it harder for things to move through the air or water. It's like pushing against a strong wind.