ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Dramaturgy is like playing pretend but instead of just making up a story, you want to make sure that everyone watching (like your friends, family or an audience) understands and enjoys your pretend game.

Let's imagine that you and your friends want to pretend you're in space. You might start by talking about what you would wear and what it would be like to move around in a pretend spaceship. You might also talk about how the sun and the planets would look through the windows.

Dramaturgy is like that, but for plays or movies. The people who make those things want to make sure that the audience understands what's happening and enjoys the story. They might talk about what the characters will wear, how they will talk and move, and how the stage or camera will look. They want everything to make sense and be entertaining.

Just like when you play pretend, there is a lot of planning involved in dramaturgy. Before a play or movie is made, people called playwrights and screenwriters come up with a story and a script. Then, the people who will act in the play or movie practice their lines and movements so that they can bring the story to life. They might also have people called directors who help them understand how to act and where to stand on stage or in front of the camera.

In summary, dramaturgy is like playing pretend but with a lot more planning and work so that a story can be told in an engaging and understandable way to an audience.
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