ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dreams Choked

When you go to sleep, your brain goes to sleep too. But while you're in dreamland, your brain is still doing some important work. It's like a big movie projector in your head, making all sorts of pictures and stories that you watch while you sleep.

Sometimes though, things can go wrong. Sometimes, the pictures and stories can get all tangled up and jumbled together. It's like someone has put a big knot in the movie projector! When this happens, it can feel like you're trapped in a bad dream that won't let you go.

This is what we call "dreams choked". It's when your dreams get all jumbled together and it makes it hard for you to sleep and have good dreams. But don't worry, it's usually just a temporary thing and your brain will figure it out soon enough. Just try to relax and let your brain do its thing, and pretty soon you'll be having sweet dreams again.