ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Dreamwork is like playing detective with your dreams! Do you know what dreams are? They are like movies you see in your head while you are sleeping. Dreamwork helps you understand what these movies are all about.

First, you need to remember your dream. Do you remember what you dreamt of last night? Sometimes, when you wake up in the morning, the dream may not be clear in your head anymore. But that's okay! You can try to remember bits and pieces.

Then, you have to write down your dream or draw a picture of it. This will help you remember more details. You can also try to give your dream a title. This is really fun because you get to be creative and think of a catchy name!

The next step is to think about what the dream might mean. Dreams can be really strange, but they usually have a message or a story behind them. Dreamwork helps you decode this message.

To do this, you can ask yourself some questions like - What was happening in the dream? Who were the characters? How did you feel in the dream? Sometimes, dreams can be scary or confusing, but don't worry! Dreamwork helps you make sense of them.

Once you have thought about your dream and what it means, you can write down your thoughts and ideas. This is like writing a story about your dream. You can also share your dreamwork with someone else, like a parent or a friend.

That's it! Dreamwork is like a fun puzzle to solve. It helps you understand yourself better, and sometimes it can even be like a secret adventure. Remember to have fun with it and don't be afraid of your dreams - they are there to help you!