ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Drill commands

Drill commands are like a game of Simon Says, but for groups of people who are marching or standing in formation. Imagine you and your friends playing Simon Says, but instead of saying "Simon says," your leader gives you special words that make you move together in cool and organized ways. These are commands that help you march in step, turn as a group, and stand at attention just like soldiers or cheerleaders.

For example, your leader might shout out "attention!" This command means you have to stand up straight, shoulders back, chest out, and look straight ahead. Or they may say "about face!" This means you have to turn around 180 degrees (a full circle) without moving your feet. Or, "forward march!" which means you have to step off with your left foot and march in unison with your squad.

The leader giving the commands has to give them loud and clear so everyone can hear and follow along. Everyone in the group must listen carefully, watch closely, stay focused, and move quickly all at the same time. By following these drill commands, you can work together to march and move on command just like a well-oiled machine.
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