ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Drink offering

A drink offering is like sharing your drink with someone or something special. Just like how you sometimes share your juice or water with a friend, people in the past would pour some juice or wine as a gift to gods, spirits or special people.

For example, imagine you want to show your appreciation to your dad for helping you build your awesome sandcastle at the beach. You could pour a little bit of your lemonade on the sandcastle as a way of thanking him.

The same idea applies to drink offerings. People would pour a bit of their drink as a way of showing their respect or gratitude to something bigger than themselves. It was a way of saying "thank you" or "please help us".

Drink offerings were often done during important religious ceremonies or rituals, like the Passover in Judaism or the Last Supper in Christianity. It was seen as a way of connecting with the divine or with other people in the community.