ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Drinking culture of Korea

Hi there! Let me explain the drinking culture of Korea to you in a way that a 5-year-old can easily understand.

In Korea, drinking is a very common social activity. People often go out to drink with friends, colleagues, or family members. Drinking is seen as a way to bond and build relationships.

There are many different types of alcoholic drinks that Koreans enjoy, but some of the most popular ones are soju (a clear, distilled liquor), beer, and rice wine.

When Koreans go out drinking, they usually order a bunch of snacks and small dishes to share. This is called "anju," and it helps to absorb the alcohol and prevent people from getting too drunk too quickly.

However, despite the social benefits of drinking, Korea also has a problem with binge drinking. This means that some people drink excessive amounts of alcohol in a short period of time, often leading to drunkenness and negative consequences.

To combat this issue, the Korean government has implemented a number of measures to encourage responsible drinking, such as restricting the sale of alcohol after a certain time and cracking down on drunk driving.

Overall, drinking is an important part of Korean culture, but it's important to do it in a responsible and safe way.