ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Drone attacks in Pakistan

Okay, so you know how in some places in the world, bad people sometimes do bad things that hurt other people? Well, in a country called Pakistan, there are some bad people who do very bad things that hurt a lot of people.

To try to stop these bad people from doing bad things, the government of another country called the United States sometimes uses something called a drone. A drone is like a flying robot that can go where people can't, and it can take pictures and shoot missiles.

So, the people who control the drones in the United States use them to take pictures of where the bad people are, so they can try to stop them from doing bad things. Sometimes, they also shoot missiles at the bad people to stop them.

However, sometimes the missiles miss and they accidentally hurt people who are not bad. This makes a lot of people in Pakistan very angry and sad. They think it's not fair that innocent people are getting hurt, and they don't like that the United States is using drones in their country without permission.

But the people in the United States think that using drones is the best way to stop the bad guys from hurting people, and they say they are trying to be careful to not hurt innocent people. It is a complicated situation, and people have different opinions.