ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Drug policy of the Soviet Union

Okay, so, the Soviet Union was a country that existed a long time ago, and they had some different ideas about drugs than we do now.

Basically, the government of the Soviet Union didn't like drugs at all. They thought that drugs were a really bad thing and they wanted to get rid of them completely. They didn't want people using drugs because they thought it was harmful to their health and to society.

So they made some laws that said that drugs were illegal, which means that if you were caught using drugs or selling drugs, you could get in big trouble. They also set up a lot of programs to try to stop people from using drugs, like education campaigns and rehab centers where people could go to get help if they were addicted to drugs.

But some people still used drugs, even though it was against the law. So the government tried really hard to catch these people and punish them. They used police and secret agents to try to find drug users and dealers and put them in jail.

So, as you can see, the Soviet Union had a very strict drug policy. They didn't want people using drugs, and they did everything they could to stop it. It may have had some good intentions, but it was also very harsh and had a lot of negative consequences, like making people afraid to seek help for drug addiction and creating a lot of stigma around drug use.