ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Drum Corps International

Drum Corps International is like a really cool team of people who march and play music together. It's kind of like a big marching band, but with even more exciting music and dance moves!

A group of people who play different instruments, like drums, horns, and flags, come together to form a drum corps. They wear really cool uniforms and practice a lot to get all their music and dance moves just right.

Once they're ready, they go on what's called a "tour" - like a big adventure where they travel around different cities and perform in front of many people. They compete against other drum corps to see who is the best at playing and performing.

It's kind of like a fun and exciting competition, but everyone still supports and encourages each other. So at the end of the day, it's really about teamwork and having fun while playing some awesome music!