ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dublin descriptor

Okay, let's talk about a funny-sounding term: Dublin Descriptor! This is a set of guidelines that help universities across Europe make sure that their courses are teaching students the right things.

You see, different universities might teach the same subject in slightly different ways. But if we want to make sure that students who study in one country are learning the same things as students who study in another country, we need some kind of standard. That's where the Dublin Descriptor comes in!

The Dublin Descriptor breaks down what students should be able to do by the time they finish university. These are things like being able to think critically and solve problems, work well in a team, and communicate effectively. Essentially, they're the skills you need to be a successful grown-up!

So when a university designs a course, it uses the Dublin Descriptor to make sure that its students will learn those important skills. That way, no matter where you go to university in Europe, you'll leave with the same set of vital abilities.

And that's the Dublin Descriptor explained like you're five!