ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Duchess of Norfolk

The Duchess of Norfolk is a lady who has a very important title in England. Just like how Mommy and Daddy might have a title like "Doctor" or "Engineer," the Duchess of Norfolk has a special title because of her family's history and the important role they play in English society.

The title "Duchess of Norfolk" first started a long time ago, way before you were born. You can think of it like a superhero costume that gets passed down from generation to generation. The current Duchess of Norfolk is the person in charge of wearing that costume and being the superhero of her family.

The Duchess of Norfolk has a big family with lots of traditions, just like how your family might have special traditions that you do every year. They have a big house called Arundel Castle, which is really old and has lots of stories and secrets in it. The Duchess of Norfolk is in charge of making sure that the castle stays in good shape so that people can still visit and see what it was like to live in a castle a long time ago.

The Duchess of Norfolk also has some special jobs that she does because she is so important. She helps to plan big celebrations for the Queen of England, which is like throwing a really big party with lots of decorations, food, and music. She also helps to choose who gets to be in charge of important jobs like being the leader of a big church.

So, to sum it up, the Duchess of Norfolk is a lady with a very important title in England because of her family's history and traditions. She takes care of a big old castle and helps to plan big celebrations for the Queen.