ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Duende (art)

Duende is a very special feeling that some people experience when making or watching art, especially flamenco music and dance. It's like when you feel really, really happy or really, really sad when you hear a song, but even more intense. Some people describe it as a magical energy that takes over your body and makes you feel very connected to the art and the people around you.

Duende is not something that can be planned or practiced - it just happens when everything is perfect. It's like when you paint a picture and it turns out better than you ever imagined, or when a singer hits a really high note and you get goosebumps all over your body. It's a special feeling that can't be explained, but you know it when you feel it.

People who have duende are said to be "possessed" by it, which means it takes over their body and mind completely. It's a very powerful feeling that can make people cry or scream or get very emotional. Some people spend their whole life trying to find duende, while others just stumble upon it by accident.

So, to put it very simply, duende is a big, special feeling that some people get when they make or watch art. It's like when you feel really connected to something and it makes you feel really good.
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