ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dutch cuisine

Dutch cuisine is all the yummy foods that people in the Netherlands like to eat. Just like you have your favorite foods, the people in the Netherlands have their special things that they love to eat.

One of the most famous Dutch foods is called stroopwafel. This is a sweet treat made from two thin waffles with a special kind of syrup in between. It's super delicious and people often eat it with a hot drink like coffee or tea.

Another popular food in the Netherlands is cheese. They make lots of different kinds of cheese there, like Gouda and Edam. People in the Netherlands love to eat cheese with crackers or bread.

If you visit the Netherlands, you might also see people eating herring, which is a kind of fish. They eat it in a special way where they hold it by the tail and put the whole fish in their mouth! It might look strange, but people in the Netherlands think it's really tasty.

Lastly, people in the Netherlands like to eat a lot of vegetables, like potatoes and carrots. They often cook them together in a dish called stamppot, which is like a mashed potato dish mixed with vegetables.

So, in summary, Dutch cuisine is all the yummy food and treats that people in the Netherlands love to eat, such as stroopwafels, cheese, herring, and stamppot.