ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dying god

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a toy that you really love and you take it everywhere with you. You play with it all the time and it makes you very happy.

But one day, something happens to your toy and it breaks. You try to fix it but it just doesn't work anymore. You feel really sad because your toy was so important to you and now it's gone.

Now imagine that instead of a toy, people believe in a powerful god who watches over them and keeps them safe. This god is very important to them and they pray to him all the time.

But sometimes, people thought that their god got sick, hurt or old and would eventually die. This is what they call a "dying god". It can be a sad thing for them because they believe that their god was so powerful and helpful and now he is going to leave them.

But don't worry, kiddo, some believe that this "dying god" can come back to life or be replaced by a new one. It's like getting a new toy to replace the broken one. So they keep praying and believing, hoping that their god will come back one day.