ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dyke Delta

A dyke delta is like a sandcastle that you build at the beach when the waves come in. The sandcastle is made of sand that you pack together really tightly, so it doesn't fall apart when the water from the waves comes in.

Now, imagine that instead of a beach, you are at a river. The river is like a big long road that the water flows down. Sometimes, the river gets really full of water and it starts to overflow onto the land around it. When this happens, people can build a dyke.

A dyke is like a big wall made of dirt and rocks that stops the water from flooding into the land around the river. Just like your sandcastle, the dyke needs to be strong and sturdy so that it doesn't fall apart when the water hits it.

Sometimes, even with a dyke, the water can still find a way to get out and go into the land around the river. When this happens, it can create a delta. A delta is like a big fan of land that is made up of sand, dirt, rocks, and other things that the water brings with it as it flows out of the river.

So, a dyke delta is when the water from the river goes over the dyke and creates a fan-shaped area of land where the water flows out into the surrounding area.