ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


So when you go to school, you might see some kids using a special type of computer called a laptop. But back in the olden days, there was a man named Alan Kay who had an idea for a special kind of computer that he called a dynabook.

A dynabook was like a really smart notebook that could do all sorts of things like write, draw, play games, and even help you learn. But the most special thing about a dynabook was that you could hold it like a book, just like you would do with a storybook.

Alan Kay thought that everyone, even kids, should have access to dynabooks so they could learn and have fun and be creative. So he spent a lot of time and energy trying to make dynabooks a reality.

And in some ways, he succeeded! A lot of the stuff we use today, like laptops and tablets, are like the dynabooks that Alan Kay dreamed up. So even though we might not call them dynabooks anymore, Alan Kay's big ideas and dreams are still making a difference in the world today!