ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dynamics (mechanics)

Dynamics is like playing with a toy car or ball. When you push or throw the toy, it starts to move because you added some energy to it. This energy helps the toy to move faster or farther.

Mechanics is about understanding how things move and what causes them to move. Think of a car driving down the street. The car moves because the engine inside is creating energy by burning fuel. The energy from the engine is transferred to the wheels, which push the car forward.

Dynamics helps us to understand how things move when they are pushed, pulled or thrown. It also helps us to understand how things react when they collide with each other, like when two toy cars crash into each other.

In the same way, we can understand why a ball bounces when it hits the ground, why a plane flies or how a person jumps. All of these movements involve dynamics.

So, dynamics is really about understanding how everything moves and why they move that way. It helps us to build better machines, like cars and planes, and to predict what will happen when things move in certain ways.