ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hey there kiddo! Do you know what diesel is?

Diesel is a fuel that we use to power some cars and machines. It's made from oil that comes from the ground.

Now, have you ever heard of e-diesel? This is a new kind of diesel that some scientists are working on.

Basically, they take renewable energy sources like wind, water, or solar power and use them to make a special kind of fuel. They start by taking carbon dioxide from the air and water from the ground. They combine these things and use a special machine that runs on green energy to turn them into a fuel called e-diesel.

The really cool thing about e-diesel is that it creates almost no pollution! It's really good for the environment. Plus, it can be used in regular diesel engines, so we don't have to make any big changes to the cars and machines we already have.

So, to sum it all up, e-diesel is a special kind of diesel fuel that is made using renewable energy. It's great for the environment and can be used in the same machines that regular diesel can.