ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


E-ink, also known as electronic ink, is like magic paper that can change words, pictures, and other things that are on it, just like a computer screen. But there are some big differences!

Normally, computer screens use light to show what they're displaying. But e-ink doesn't need light, because it works a lot like ink on paper. It's made of tiny little capsules that hold both black and white particles. When an electrical charge is applied, either the black or white particles move to the top, showing what the image is supposed to look like.

This way, e-ink is really easy on your eyes, because it's not blasting light at them like a computer screen would. Plus, it doesn't use much energy to change what it's showing, so you don't have to plug it in as much as other devices like phones.

E-ink is used for things like e-readers, where people like to read for long periods of time without straining their eyes, and also for signs that need to be easy to see outside.