ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

EPR (nuclear reactor)

Okay kiddo, so there's this thing called a nuclear reactor. It's a big machine that uses something called uranium to make heat. That heat turns water into steam, which makes electricity.

Now, this uranium stuff can be dangerous if it's not handled carefully. If something goes wrong and the uranium gets too hot, it can cause an accident. So, scientists came up with a way to keep an eye on the uranium and make sure it doesn't get too hot.

This is where EPR comes in. EPR stands for "emergency power reactor protection." Basically, it's a system that watches the temperature of the uranium in the reactor and can shut the whole machine down if things get too hot.

Think of it like a super-smart babysitter for the nuclear reactor. If the temperature starts to go up too much, EPR will say "hey, this isn't safe" and turn everything off before anyone gets hurt.

It's an important system to have, because it helps keep us safe while we use nuclear power to make electricity.