ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Exptime is short for "exponential time" which is a measure of how long it takes for an algorithm to solve a problem. The amount of time it takes for an algorithm to solve a problem is important because it determines how useful the algorithm is. For example, if it takes too long to solve a problem, it might not be worth using the algorithm at all. Exptime measures how long it takes for an algorithm to solve a problem, where a small change in the size of the problem makes a big difference in how long it takes to solve the problem. For example, if the problem is twice as big, it might take 100 times as long to solve it than it took to solve the first problem. That's why exptime is measured in exponentiations of time-like 10^2 which is 100 seconds or 10^3 which is 1000 seconds.