ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Each uisge

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of a magical creature called a unicorn? Well, in some stories, there is another magical creature that lives in Scotland called an uisge. It's a type of creature that can change its shape and is often seen as a beautiful horse.

But here's the thing - this creature is also said to be very dangerous because it lures people into the water and drowns them. That's why it's also called the "water horse."

Now, some people believe that there is a special type of uisge called the each uisge. This one is said to be even more powerful and can only be caught by someone who is very brave and clever.

But even if someone manages to catch an each uisge, they need to be careful because it's still dangerous. In fact, some people believe that if you do manage to tame an each uisge, it will still try to drown you eventually. So it's not something you want to mess around with.

In summary, an each uisge is a type of mythical creature that lives in Scotland. It's a powerful and dangerous creature that people believe can only be caught by someone who is very brave and clever. But even if someone does catch it, they need to be careful because it can still be dangerous.