ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Early Germanic culture

Long, long time ago, when there were no computers and phones and TVs, there were people who lived in what we now call Germany. They were called the Germanic people. They had their own way of life and they had some special things that they did.

The Germanic people were farmers and they grew plants like wheat, barley, and rye. They also kept animals like cows, pigs, chickens, and goats. These animals gave them milk, meat, and eggs that they could eat.

The Germanic people were also very good at making things out of metal. They made weapons like swords and shields and tools like knives and hammers. They were also good at making jewelry and decorations with metal.

The Germanic people had their own language and their own gods that they worshipped. They believed in the power of nature and they respected it greatly. The Germanic people also loved to sing and tell stories. They had bards who would sing songs about their heroes and their gods.

The Germanic people would also sometimes fight with other tribes for land and resources. They had strong warriors who were skilled in fighting with swords and shields. But they also had laws called the "Germanic codes" that helped them resolve conflicts without violence.

In conclusion, the Germanic culture was the way of life of the Germanic people who lived in what we now call Germany a long time ago. They were farmers, metal workers, storytellers, and worshippers of nature and their own gods. They had their own language and laws, and they sometimes had to fight with other tribes for resources, but they also knew how to resolve conflicts peacefully.