ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

East African Federation

Hello little one! The East African Federation is when a group of countries in East Africa decide to form one big country together.

You know how you play with your friends and sometimes you like to join together to make a big team? Well, that's what these countries want to do!

The countries that are thinking about joining together are Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, and South Sudan. They all want to work together to create a stronger economy and a better way of life for their people.

It's kind of like when you and your friends combine your toys to make a bigger and better game. These countries will combine their money, resources, and power to make a bigger and better country. They might even get to share cool things like hospitals and schools so everyone can get the same chance to learn and stay healthy.

It's a really big idea, but it might take some time to make it happen. But who knows, one day we might have a brand new country with lots of happy people living together!