ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Eastern Bloc emigration and defection

Okay, imagine you live in a big house with your family and your neighbors. Now pretend that your neighbors have a different set of rules and don’t let anyone leave their house, even if they want to go somewhere else.

In the past, there was a group of countries in Europe that acted like these neighbors. They were called the Eastern Bloc. They had their own rules and didn’t let their people leave easily.

People in these countries sometimes wanted to leave because they didn’t like the rules, or maybe they wanted a better job or more opportunities. But leaving was hard because the government wouldn’t let them.

Some people tried to leave anyway, and this is called emigration. They might try to sneak out or get help from other people.

Other people tried to leave by asking for permission, but sometimes the government wouldn’t let them, and this is called defection. Defection means leaving without permission.

Overall, the Eastern Bloc countries had strict rules about who could leave, and it was really hard for people who wanted to go somewhere else.