ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Ebla is a really old city that lived a long time ago, even before your grandma and grandpa were born. It was way, way back in a time called the Bronze Age, which was when people were learning how to use bronze (a strong, shiny metal) instead of just rocks and sticks.

Ebla was founded in what is now Syria, and it became a really important city because it was in a good spot to trade things like spices and wool with other places. People who lived in Ebla were really good at writing things down, so we have a lot of information about what life was like there. They wrote on clay tablets, kind of like a really old-fashioned iPad, and they even had a library with thousands of tablets!

But, like many old cities, bad things happened and Ebla was destroyed by invaders. However, because of all the writing they did, we know a lot about what people wore, what they ate, and how they lived their lives. Scientists have been studying these tablets for years to learn more about what life was like back then!