ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ecological sanitation

Ecological sanitation is a way of treating human waste in a way that is good for the environment.

When we go to the bathroom, we make waste called "poop" and "pee". If this waste is not treated properly, it can make people sick and can harm the environment.

Ecological sanitation is a way of treating this waste so that it doesn't harm the environment. This can be done in many ways, including using toilets that separate the pee and poop, using composting toilets that turn the waste into soil, or using a special type of toilet that uses worms to break down the waste.

When waste is treated using ecological sanitation, it can be used to fertilize plants instead of being wasted. This helps the environment and makes it so that we don't have to use chemical fertilizers that can be harmful.

Overall, ecological sanitation is a way of treating waste so that it is good for the environment and can be used to help plants grow.