ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Economics of Strategy

Economics of strategy is all about figuring out how to make the best decisions when it comes to business. It's like a game where you have to make smart moves to win.

Imagine you are playing a game with your friends where you have to sell lemonade. You have to decide how much you're going to charge for your lemonade, how many cups you're going to sell, and where you're going to sell it. These decisions will affect how much money you make and how successful you are in the game.

In real life, businesses have to make similar decisions. They have to figure out how much to charge for their products or services, how much to produce, and where to sell them. All of these decisions affect the company's profits and success.

Economics of strategy helps businesses make these decisions by looking at things like supply and demand, competition, and market trends. By understanding these things, businesses can make informed decisions that will help them succeed.

For example, let's say a new coffee shop is opening up in town. The owner of the coffee shop wants to know how much to charge for a cup of coffee. They might look at other coffee shops in the area and see what they're charging. They might also look at how much people are willing to pay for coffee in general.

By using economics of strategy, the coffee shop owner can make a smart decision that will help their business be successful.

Overall, economics of strategy is all about making smart business decisions to help a company succeed.