ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Economy of Toronto

Okay kiddo, so let's talk about something called the economy of Toronto. The economy is basically how people make and spend money in a certain place, like Toronto.

Now, Toronto is a big city in Canada with lots of different businesses and jobs. There are lots of stores where people can buy things like food, clothes, and toys. And there are also lots of places where people can work, like offices, factories, and restaurants.

When people work at these places, they get paid money for the work that they do. They can use this money to buy things that they need or want, like food, clothes, and toys. And when lots of people are working and spending money like this, it helps the economy of Toronto to grow and get stronger.

But sometimes the economy can also have problems. For example, if there aren't enough jobs for people to work at, then they can't make money and they might have trouble paying for things that they need. This can also happen if there are too many stores and not enough people buying things.

So basically, the economy of Toronto is all about how businesses and people work together to make and spend money. When things are going well, lots of people can have jobs and buy the things that they need and want. And when things aren't going so well, people might have trouble finding work or paying for things.