ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Edith Macefield

Edith Macefield was a woman who lived in a house in Seattle in the United States. She was really special because she refused to sell her house, even though lots of people wanted to buy it. This house was in a place where lots of big buildings were being built, but Edith didn't want to move. She liked her house just the way it was.

So, the people building the big buildings just built around her house, leaving it standing all alone, like a little girl at recess who wants to play by herself. It was actually kind of funny. Edith became really famous because she stood up for what she believed, even when everyone else wanted her to do something else. Even though she's not here anymore, her house is still standing there, reminding everyone that it's important to be brave and stand up for what you believe in.