ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Edmunds–Tucker Act

The Edmunds-Tucker Act was a law made in America many years ago, in 1887. It was made to change some of the rules for how the government could deal with a group of people called the Mormons. The Mormons were a religious group that had some different beliefs from other churches at that time, and some people didn't like that.

The law said that the government could do things like take away some of the things that the Mormons owned, like their temples and land. It also said that the government could arrest people who had more than one wife, which was something that some Mormons did. The law also changed how the courts worked, so that it would be harder for the Mormons to defend themselves.

The Edmunds-Tucker Act made it harder for the Mormons to practice their religion the way they wanted to. It was a controversial law, and some people thought it was unfair. It shows how the government can sometimes make rules that affect different groups of people in different ways.