ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Education in Russia

Hello! Let me explain education in Russia in a way that's easy to understand for a 5-year-old.

Education in Russia is when kids go to school to learn new things. Just like in your school, kids in Russia also have teachers who help them learn.

In Russia, kids start going to school when they are six years old. The school year starts in September and ends in May. Kids have to go to school for 11 years until they finish high school.

In school, kids learn different subjects like math, science, history, geography, and language. They also learn other things like physical education and music.

After finishing high school, kids can choose to go to college or university. Just like in school, they will have to learn new things, but this time, they will specialize in a specific area, like medicine, engineering, or business.

In Russia, education is taken very seriously. Teachers expect kids to work hard and study well. Kids who do well in school can get good jobs and have a better life.

That's education in Russia, I hope it was easy to understand!