ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Egress filtering

Hello there! Have you ever heard of egress filtering? It's a bit of a big word, but I will explain it to you like you're five years old!

Egress filtering is like a filter for when you go outside of your house. You know how your parents tell you not to talk to strangers or go to dangerous places? It's kinda the same thing with egress filtering, but for the internet!

You see, when we use the internet, we send a lot of information back and forth - like letters or emails. Sometimes, bad people try to use the internet to do bad things, like send viruses or steal personal information. That's when egress filtering comes to the rescue!

Egress filtering makes sure that only the good stuff gets out of our computers and into the internet. It checks all the information that's trying to leave our computer and makes sure it's safe and good. If it finds something bad, it stops it from going out.

In simpler terms, egress filtering is like a gatekeeper that checks all the information that's leaving your computer and only lets the good stuff out. It helps keep us safe while we're on the internet. Pretty cool, right?